Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Thing About Today that it really needed this song. Enjoy :)

The Thing About Taking the Next Step

Recently, I've become convinced that it's time for me to move on from my job. While I generally like what I do and do it well (I think), I've outgrown it. It was a great starting point, but that's all it was supposed to be. And that's all it should be. 

Taking the next step is terrifying. It's intimidating, and confusing, and brings you to a place of self-doubt where you feel like you can't get out of your own way. Staying put is comfortable. While it may be dull, or unsatisfying, it still feels safe. Not to mention all of the time and effort you've already put into getting where you are. It's so hard to justify giving all of that up.

But sometimes that's exactly what you need to do. You need to pull yourself up, take a deep breath, and make that leap. Sure, you might fail, but, as romantic and naive as this may sound, the risk is worth it. One of the greatest gifts we hold as human beings is the ability to constantly grow. We don't have to stay stagnant. You owe yourself this opportunity. Just be brave-you've got this. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Thing About Sisters

My sister and I never had the strongest relationship growing up. Sure, we would have our nonsense jokes and our fake meals over our plastic stove but there was always something missing. It was like we were on separate orbits, only crossing on occasion and destined to drift apart again. And we didn't fight it. My parents would always tell us that we were all each other had, that we were going to need to face this world together, but that didn't really mean much to either of us. We were too different, too independent, too focused on what we were already facing on our own. 

One month ago today, I was standing a few blocks away from the finish line. In all of the chaos and panic that suddenly erupted, my sister called. I failed miserably at holding back tears as I promised her that I was safe and that everything was going to be okay. And I knew it would be, that it always would be, because even if the world threw us into chaos, even if it seemed to give up on us, I would have my sister and she would have me. Always.